Station 4 : Story statues
Materials : none
1. Ask a child to the front of the class. Explain that you are going to make them into a ‘statue’ of character in the story. Move the child into position so that they are standing smiling and slightly leaning over, as if they have got a basket on one arm and with the other arm taking something out of the basket to give to someone. Get the child to ‘freeze’ like a statue.
2. Ask the rest of the class to guess,
T: Who’s this?
P: I think it’s Litter Red Riding Hood.
T: What’s she doing?
P: She’s giving a present to her ‘grandmother’
3. Divide the class into pairs (A and B)
4. Tell the children to choose another character and moment from the story and ask the child As to make the child Bs into a sculpture in the same way.
5. When the children are ready, ask the children As to look at all the sculptures and guess the character and what they are doing.
6. Children then change roles and repeat the procedure.
Comments and suggestions.
1. This activity server a similar purpose. In choosing a character and specific moment in the story for their ‘statues’ it also encourages children to recall the story in detail.