Project Application for Funding by the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI)
All text in blue is for assistance in filling out the form. You may delete all blue writing and/or replace
with project proposal information.
1. Descriptive Project Name: Networking human rights lawyers to create regional base legal aid
system in Thailand, raise public awareness on human rights violation and Strengthening human rights
worker in TLHR
2. Location of Proposed Project: Thailand
City/village: -
District: -
State: Bangkok, Chiangmai, Khon Kean, and other part of Thailand.
3. Name of applicant organization/group: THAI LAWYERS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS
Contact person: Mr. TANATHORN TANANONT
Title/function: Project Manager
Address: 109 Soi Sithichon, Suthisarnwinitchai Road, Samsannok, Huaykwang, Bangkok, 10310
Phone: +66 96-7893172
Fax: -
Organisation website (if any):
4. Brief description of the applicant organization/group: (i.e. date of establishment of the group,
mandate, membership, etc.)
The Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR) was formed on May 24, 2014 to raise awareness on
law and human rights issues as they relate to orders arising as a result of the imposition of martial law and
to provide legal advice via a hotline and e-mail. In cases of those lack capacity to afford lawyer service,
TLHR will consider to represent and litigate which will focus on human rights violations cases, civilians
tried in military courts and strategic litigation. TLHR will also document human rights violations and
conduct trial monitoring and observations. TLHR consists of a coalition of lawyers, human rights
defenders and volunteers drawn from a number of human rights and legal organizations in Thailand.
TLHR’s principle concerns are those on the list of persons summoned by the military regime who
must report themselves at a designated time and place, as well as those searched, arrested, and detained
under Martial Law or military’s powers accordance with NCPO’s Orders and Announcements, especially
those who have been deprived of liberties or whose rights have been violated as a result of exercising
their freedom of expression and right to peaceful assembly.
5. Type of organization/group: Please check one type.
Local non-governmental, community and not-for-profit organizations,
(Example: Strengthening democratic participation of women in Country X elections with
information workshops and a Mock Parliament)
6. Explanation of the project:
What is the purpose of the project? What are the main activities of the project (in point form
only)? Actions to be undertaken to gain outputs?
What will the project achieve, i.e., what are the immediate expected results of the project? What
changes are directly attributable to the project activities?
Over what period of time will the project be implemented?
Are there any major risks of which you are aware that could affect the successful implementation
of the project? How will they be reduced?
Other features of the project which you consider important.
Describe any possible environmental impacts or benefits the project might have.
Goals of TLHR: to promote and protect human rights under enforcement of military’s absolute powers
and during Thailand’s political crisis and to enhance human rights enforcement and access to justice for
victims of human rights violations and for civilians subjected to military justice and prosecuted under
military administration.
Objective of this project: Create local human rights lawyer network in each region of Thailand and
Raise Public awareness of Human Rights situation in the pass year in order to solve after 2014 coup
human rights situation.
Activities 1: Networking local lawyer in Northern and Northeastern of Thailand by holding
networking forum with 10-15 participants
During November 2015 to February 2016, TLHR litigation team will have 1 time go to northern
and 1 time go to northeastern of Thailand and will hold a forum to establish lawyer network.
Meaning of lawyer include paralegal.
This forum aim is 1 day meeting between TLHR and network lawyers. TLHR will bring 5 staffs
and 2 partners from Bangkok to the region. Network lawyers that TLHR aim to invite should base
in northern and northeastern of Thailand in northern TLHR aim to focus the network in
Chiangmai, Chiangrai, and Maehonsong and in northeastern TLHR aim to focus the network in
Khon Kean and Chaiyapoom.
This forum aim to follow up on a forum which had arranged last year by another CSOs. TLHR
will try to invite those lawyer who got invited in the previous forum and still interest to create
lawyer network to join this forum also TLHR will invite new lawyer base on reference from
TLHR’s partner.
TLHR had an internal discussion that major problem of unsuccessful lawyer networking is
organizer of the network does not give a case to the lawyer and two parties (Organizer and
Lawyer) don’t understand each other objective yet also an organizer has no follow up forum to
discuss among the network.
In order to solve this problem, before TLHR go to north and northeastern the team will study on
number of after 2014 human rights violation cases that happen in the region and which lawyer
team handle the case and those lawyer sufficient in the region or not. And to solve on
understanding of two parties, aside from follow up on previous forum, TLHR will find new
lawyer base on invited from TLHR known lawyers.
Create region legal aid system for those who got effect by NCPO order and military rule in the
region can access to justice without delay.
Study of legal aid situation in north and northeast
Number of new lawyer that attend the forum
Number of Cases that pass to a local lawyer who attended the forum to handle or goes to observe
include their report of activities.
Respond from participant about follow up forum or field visit in the region.
Cases in the region are not in the scope of TLHR.
Number of new lawyers less than expectation.
Work load during project period.
Risk Management
TLHR will start working on gathering cases situation in the region by review from May 2014 –
August 2015 situation and will have a short brief report in order to check the situation.
TLHR litigation team and north team has to start discussing with TLHR known lawyer from
September 2015 in order to raise awareness of needed of networking lawyer in the region also
TLHR need to meeting other organization who work on similar role to share lawyer contact.
TLHR management team has to set time frame of TLHR work in order to fit on this project.
Those who effect by NCPO order and military rule in the field that can access to justice easier.
TLHR can expand network of lawyer to solve lack of lawyer situation in the region.
Lawyer would have new network and expand their role as a human rights lawyer.
Activities 2: Distribute of TLHR handbook for lawyer on enforcement of special law
TLHR will produce and distribute guidelines for those summoned, arrested, detained, or are
affected by Martial Law enforcement or military orders.
TLHR plans to publish this publication during January – February 2016 both in hardcopy and soft
file format.
TLHR plans to print at lease 500 – 1000 hard copy and distribute this publication via post, face to
face, and soft copy via email to network lawyers, paralegal, partners, local NGOs, NHRC, and
international organization to building knowledge of specially law which are martial law, article
44 of interim constitution, and military rule.
Capacity building to network lawyer, paralegal, and other partner on special law in which their
can guide those effected by special law to access basis legal advice.
Using of guideline by lawyer and paralegal
Feedback from lawyer and paralegal
Request from others to get this publication
Duration of printing period
Risk Management
After contract has sign, TLHR will find out a service provider who has expertise in publication to
deal with publication time frame.
TLHR are now working on guideline which will be finish by the end of this year.
Lawyer, paralegal, international and local organization, and CSOs can use the guideline to advise
Activities 3: TLHR Security improvement
TLHR had an internal meeting on 1 August 2015 to discuss on security assessment outcome from
this discussion are security policy which adopted immediately after the meeting, security tools
and equipment also shot-list of partner that TLHR can working with to improve and protect the
According to security plan, TLHR will improve on data protection and physical protection both
office and staff. This activity in the protect aim to focus on physical security improvement of the
TLHR will acquire security equipment to the office which are finger-scan door lock, CCTV
camera, and Safe-lockers. To check on those who come in and out from the office, put documents
and digital device in safe place, also destroy confidential document which are court document to
prevent state officer, thief, non-state actor to stole, hack, or get the information by other means.
Those equipment include digital devices which are voice recorder, digital camera, and computer
and photocopy in order to contain information of human right situation in Thailand in digital file.
This activity will focus on TLHR internal improvement on security both physical and digital data.
Percentage of case document that has back up in digital file compare to hard copy d