At Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). PICU is the wards that accept many patients all the time that make the nurses are work overload and lack of opportunity to update knowledge and skills. Sometime, nursing intervention have mistake and ineffective.
One day, A new patient admitted to PICU who was referred from a secondary level hospital with pleural fluid and then a patient was received thoracentesis. After that, patient has pain, crying and moving all the time. The nurses are only giving medicines to a patient for pain control. Patient’s pain is decrease after treatment, but later the pain appears again and patient is still crying and patient’s mother is often request the medicine and then the nurses realizing and thinking about the other ways to relief pain. They are search for the new knowledge by using research about relief pain . They take the knowledge from research applied to the nursing practice such as using pain assessment tool by the neonatal infant pain scale, supporting position , gentle touching when give caring, reducing stimulus to movement of the body, Supporting to breastfeeding by suck mother’s nipples or rubber. After application of research to caring patient with pain and the result is pain can be relieved without using medicine notice from a patient sleeping longer time , decrease crying . From this situation, It make the nurses in PICU realize the important of research utilization in nursing practice.