5.3 - Scope of study:
The Study involves two points of view
a) Visual Merchandisers perspective
b) Consumers perspective
a) Visual Merchandisers: The study focuses on the role of visual merchandisers and their
various techniques of visual merchandising. (Successful store displays do not depend on the
amount of money spent on creating them, what counts is the level of creativity of the visual
merchandiser) The scope of the study is limited to Fashion retailing (cosmetics and perfumes)
and had worked on the following:
Elements of Visual Merchandising
Sensory retailing
Atmospherics in Visual merchandising
Space management and VM
Window Display and its importance
Display of colors
Use of music
Fixtures etc.
VM and customer loyalty towards a store
Importance of VM in growing organized retail
Social and ethical responsibility of visual merchandiser.
View of retailers and dealers related to visual merchandising
b) Consumer’s perspective: The impacts of visual merchandising can only be judged on the
basis of consumers’ perspective. The success of Visual Merchandising can be judged by
consumer satisfaction, customer’s attention, a feeling of sense of belonging in the store,
customer movement etc.
It is well said the “Value for time” is just as important as value for money, people simply
have too little time, which naturally impacts the way they shop and ultimately the need for
effective visual merchandising is felt.