in Norway , internal control principles (enforced self-regulation and functional requirements) for controlling risk were, as previously mentioned introduced in the offshore oil(petroleum) industry in the 1980s. the regulatory for this industry builds on a diversified mixture of legal and industrial norms and standard.In 2013, an Expert group(appointed by the government) reviewed the regulatory strategy and the Health,Safety and Environment regulations for the Norwegian petroleum sector through an extensive interview study with relevant organizations and agencies. According to the expert group]s report,all the interview-groups were positive to the regulatory regime: the risk-based regulations with functional requirements were regarded as well-functioning, with an ability to get a complicated industry to comply with goal of safe and efficient operation . functional regulations are intended to be flexible in relation to introduction of new technology,new organizations forms, routines, and practices leave a lot of room for interpretations, which for some companies can lead to uncertainty as to what is appropriate and correct.