Thirty kilograms of cherries (P. avium) were harvested
by hand in June, 1999 from Ayas, village in Ankara.
They were put in carton boxes and immediately
transported to the laboratory by a car (METU- Food
Eng. Dept.) for the experiments. They were washed and
dried, and defective ones were eliminated before treatments.
After washing and drying, the cherries were
divided into two major groups: control and Semperfresh
TM coated. The control groupc onsisted of cherries
with no SemperfreshTM fruit coating. The SemperfreshTM
coated groupcons isted of two sub-groups: 10 g/L
SemperfreshTM coated and 20 g/L SemperfreshTM
coated. Half of the cherries from each of the above
groups was stored at ambient temperature (B3073 1C)
and at ambient humidity (40–50% RH), the other half
of the cherries was stored at cold storage (0 1C) and at
ambient humidity (95–98% RH).