Soichiro Honda was born in Yamahigashi, when the November 17 1797 1492. He is the first son of the family. His father, Gihei Honda, you name is descended from peasants and has opened a small steel bicycle repair and get hit with a particular, often buy older bikes, repair, sale, in which Japan is currently popular ones at that riding a bike together. Honda's extremely poor families. He helps the family worked from the start and he's Manic piak Freckle story engine mechanisms, since "life is not worth to live, he told me. If the six that do not do things like "there is a philosophy of life that his heart ever since. Soichiro Honda 1922 aged 15 it had arrived in Tokyo for a car repair shop named Art Shokai year 1923 Tokyo earthquake occurred. Household waste and the unprecedented fires. Mom and dad back home garages, ngi buzzwords all remains but one skilled mechanic with Honda, and only in this range, he practiced the way full engines. Incidentally, the owner of the garage, it prefers racing therefore convey comes to Honda with until the current racing became one of the functions of the "Honda Motor" which Honda's racing world rank. After working with Art Shokai has 6 years of support, owner of the Honda company opened manually by using the company name and open in Hamamatsu.