Why You Should Avoid These Weight Loss Plans
It is best that you save your hard-earned money instead of getting into these popular diet plans. These
plans cater to the American Diet and they will never go against it. Hence, you get diet plans that are rich
in fats, and deficient in fiber.
The majority of the pre-packaged food that usually accompanies the diet plan lacks essential nutrients.
Therefore, you may lose weight but you will also put your health at risk.
If you do your part, you will also learn that these programs will deliver initial weight loss results, but
succeeding weight loss will depend on your continued patronage of the program. In short, you are
married to the program. If you decide to cut ties or divorce from it, you regain your weight and you
even add more. This is dangerous in the long run.
How Different the Eat to Live Diet Plan Is
Healthy weight loss is simple: you have to learn to eat to live. Unlike other diet plans, this diet by Dr.
Fuhrman encourages you to eat as much as you can, as long as you are making the right food choices.
You have learned from earlier discussion that right food choice is the one that has high nutrient-density
or rich nutrient-per-calorie. You have also learned that natural plant-based food is the highest in
This is how the ‘Eat to Live’ diet is different from the rest. It may not cater to the love of the society for
food rich in fats but low in fiber, but it is the only method that can deliver sustainable weight loss results
without health risks or trade-offs. It is a diet plan that focuses on your health first, and then permanent
weight loss results will come naturally. You eat to live, and by doing so you normalize your weight and
keep it long lastingly.
It is also easier to follow the diet plan since there are no strict restrictions unlike most plans. You do not
even have to count calories, weigh your food, or control the serving size. Your body systems will do that
for you. If you fill your body with high nutrient-density food, you digestive system will automatically
communicate with your brain to signal you to stop eating as you have already satisfied your true hunger.