Because of a public cloud’s open characteristics,
designing and maintaining
a secure infrastructure should
be an important driver in any cloud
deployment. Enforce well- established
security practices: rewalls, minimal
server services to reduce attack vectors,
up-to-date operating systems,
key-based authentication, and so
on. But challenges might arise from
the increased number of servers to
maintain and the use of the cloud
for different development environments:
development, staging, and production. In this scenario, isolating
and securing each environment
is important because a breach in a
prototyping server can give access
through the secret keys to the whole
SecurityBecause of a public cloud’s open characteristics,designing and maintaininga secure infrastructure shouldbe an important driver in any clouddeployment. Enforce well- establishedsecurity practices: rewalls, minimalserver services to reduce attack vectors,up-to-date operating systems,key-based authentication, and soon. But challenges might arise fromthe increased number of servers tomaintain and the use of the cloudfor different development environments:development, staging, and production. In this scenario, isolatingand securing each environmentis important because a breach in aprototyping server can give accessthrough the secret keys to the wholeinfrastructure.
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