Experimental design, animals, feeding and housing
The study was conducted on postpartum Holstein–Friesian cows (n=44) on a
UK commercial dairy farm comprising a total of ∼200 year-round calving cows.
The average rolling milk yield per cow in the herd was 8300 l/year. In the winter
months (February to April 2004), animals were housed in a cubicle shed with
concrete flooring and were at pasture during the summer (April to November
2004). The temperatures during the study period ranged between 0.2 and 27 °C.
Milking of all cows took place twice a day starting at 6:30 am and 4:30 pm.All year
round, animals had access to a total mixed ration at a feed-fence after milking.
Pastures were of seasonal ryegrass, Italian ryegrass and white clover. Cows
randomly entered the study on Day 20 postpartum with only 12 cows included at
any one time to enable detailed observation. The cows ranged between 3 and
10 years of age. Prior clinical treatments for lameness were recorded and continued
following normal farmpractice, e.g., regular foot-trimming, skin/hoof dusting with