Of course not. It's obvious that if this man is a humanoid robot, he will be a perfect copy. Look at his skin, his eyes, the bones in his hand. If he's a robot, then I wish that US Robots had made him, because he's a good job. Whoever made him so perfectly would make sure that he could eat and sleep if necessary. "Now wait," Lanning said angrily. Tm not interested in whether Mr Byerley is human or not. I'm only interested in protecting US Robots. A public meal will end the matter. "But you forget that I want to become governor," Byerley said. "If Quinn wants to call me a robot, then I will play the game with him.' Lanning looked unhappy. "He's going to say publicly that you are a robot. "Exactly. Let him tell everyone. I shall defeat him in the end, by using his own weapon against him." Susan Calvin rose to her feet. "Come, Dr Lanning. He won't change his mind.' You see." Byerley smiled gently. "You're a human psychologist, too