KHS request.
- Summary record of production line backward 3 month.(Jun,Jul,Aug’16) → 20/9/16
- Data inspection part Thrust W/S only. (3 month Jun,Jul,Aug’16) → 20/9/16
- Improvement gauge check OD. (Plan) → 20/9/16
- Revise WI of production line (Before revise / After revise) → 20/9/16
- Revise CAR of KHS issued. → 20/9/16
- Detail of final inspection 100% check (WI,Appearance standard) → 20/9/16
- Packing/Final inspection record send to KHS. → 20/9/16
- Detail gauge (DWG) / Calibration for Rivatec. → 20/9/16
- Revise control plan,Process flow, FMEA, → 22/9/16
- Skill operator packing final inspection. → 21/9/16
- Make attribute. → 22/9/16
- Rivatec study gauge check in process. → 20/9/16