In order to overcome this problem, the 3DMaaS approach
introduced in this paper, deploys remote servers performing the
remote rendering of complex 3D scenes and then sending the
frame results to a digital home device. This video streaming
server approach pushes part of the graphics generation logic
to the cloud and, in essence, turns the end device into a
thin terminal. Driven by latency constraints, our approach
proposes a hybrid solution combining remote rendering of
background 3D objects, where the latency does not have
a high impact on the user experience, with local browser
WebGL rendering of foreground 3D objects which require low
Synchronization and 3D scene consistence challenges must be managed by the HTML5 application and the related complexity depends on its domain.
Experiments show the results obtained by the proposed system for hybrid remote and local rendering enhance the interactive experience of 3D graphics on digital home devices proving the feasibility of interactive navigation of high complexity 3D scenes while provides a interoperable solution that can be deployed over the wide device landscape.