Lol, Things are going so slow here.
But iam working as hard as I can.....iam trying so hard to achieve the things that I want to achieve
It's proving to be quite challenging LOL
Maybe someday I'll give you the money so you can visit me here if I Am not capable of this again. Just in case
Are you still single?
Would you like to come to the United States?
When the time comes I can give you the money
Can I see a picture of you?
In the meantime I'll see if I could learn a little bit your language so I can better talk to you
I want you to come to the United States eventually ,if you want of course
Of course when that time comes I'll pay for it like I said. The plane ticket for you to have a hotel. So we can meet each other and get to know each other better
And take it from there
What you think?
Ok....I Am sorry. I didn't mean to rush you
But I want to tell you my intentions once we meet each other face-to-face and get to know each other if all goes well my intention is to get married and have kids.