1. The grinded bean seed which already prepared by lab assistant is weight and grinded together with anhydrous sodium sulfate using a ratio 4:1, and then placed into thimble.
2. 100 ml of Hexane is poured into the 250 ml round bottom flask, and boiling chips were placed.
3. Soxhlet apparatus is set carefully for the extraction as shown in Figure 1. The water in-line should be at the bottom line, whereas the water out-line is the upper line for cooling system.
4. Place the round bottom flask, whit Soxhlet apparatus in oil bath. Turn on the heater and alow the extraction in process for 1.5 hours reflux temperature.
5. After about a half an hour of extraction, let Soxhlet apparatus to be cool. The hexane was removed using reduced pressure rotary evaporater, and let the crude oil dry for 1 hour under air atmosphere.
6.The extracted lipid is weight and lipid content of the seed sample is calculated.