The experiment was conducted at the Department of Entomology, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and
Technology University, Dinajpur, during January to April 2007 at 21.02ºC ± 4.5 ºC (Room temperature)
and 66.05 ± 0.95 % RH to observe the biology of ladybird beetle . The mean pre-oviposition period of
the ladybird beetle Micraspis discolor was 5.1±0.48 days and the oviposition period was 40.10 ±0.46 days.
The female beetles laid on an average 235.50 ±7.96 eggs and the hatching % was 83.93 ±2.11. The
average incubation period was 3.1± 0.22 days and the duration of total the larval period from egg to adult
was 10.76 ±1.35 days. The pre-pupal and pupal periods were 1.50 ±0.20 and 2.60± 0.21days, respectively.
The mean longevity of the male and the female beetles were 40.20 ±1.0 and 47.50 ±0.82 days,