3.1. Exploratory site visit
Many good WAH practices were observed during the site visit,
e.g. well-constructed barricades, provision of lifelines, safety nettings
and clear indication of openings. The main contractor developed
the FPP at two levels: corporate level and site level. The
corporate level FPP was meant to be a comprehensive, but generic
FPP. The site level FPP used the corporate level FPP and modify the
FPP to account for the atypical nature of the project, including the
different types of work conducted by the sub-contractors. According
to the contractor, they were able to use existing resources to
develop the FPP. The contractor highlighted that the content in
the Code of practice for working safely at height (Workplace
Safety and Health Council, 2013) was very useful for developing
the FPP. In terms of effectiveness of the FPP, the contractors opined
that there was no specific improvement to WAH safety because
they had been practising the content of the FPP prior to the enactment
of the WAH Regulations. According to the contractor, the
only difference that the FPP made was the legal obligation for
the management to officially endorse the FPP.