In this world of commercialism, it is true that obtaining a credit card is simple and easy as long as you are qualified of having it.However, the wrong usage of credit card problem may now exist, paying back of debts are difficult.In my opinion, the disadvantages of credit card far outweigh the advantages.
Credit card may give convinience and benificial to everyone using it.It gives you an access to money and facility to pay it back later like a loan.This is also useful for emergency situation like for example: for hospitalization and for buying medicines when you have no cash on hand available.
Although, there are many advantages in using a credit card, we must still need to be cautious for the disadvantages brought by using a credit card.Since, it encourages people to spend more money they do not have, also many people may face the problem of building up debts and financial difficulties.When people cannot afford paying back their debts, everyone may suffer.Those in debts may lose their home, banks lose their money and the economy suffers too.
In conclusion, the innovation of credit cards have a great influence in this modern wold, it is necessary for everyone to learn using the credit cards more cautious and be more responsible.