Table 3 summarizes the percentage distribution of respondents’ responses to each construct. For
the attitude construct, it had a grand mean score of 3.03 with a standard deviation of 0.81. A
majority of respondents (72.3%) agreed or strongly agreed with the statement: “the Web is a
platformsuitable for teaching and learning.” The subjective normhad a mean score of 3.46 with
a standard deviation of 0.60. A large percentage of respondents (80.7%) thought that online
teaching would make education more accessible to the public. For the perceived control construct,
it had a mean score of 3.24 with a standard deviation of 0.66. The majority of respondents
claimed that theywere capable of designing and developing (63.1%), and teaching (71.4%)
an online course. Most (71.4%) did not worry about their lack of computer knowledge or skills
when thinking of online teaching. Lastly, the intention construct had a mean score of 3.45 with