Willing to explain why the method proposes to evaluate the index Ik as in expression (10), we could say that the attempt was to
introduce an evaluation method able to take into account, from one
hand, the history of a firm, thus accounting not only for occurred
injuries (through the evaluation of C) but also for not occurred ones
(if F has a low value, that could mean also that prevention and protection measures in place might have been effective, despite of the
possible severity of the damage), from the other hand, the judgments of experts, filtered through a method as AHP, as in traditional risk assessment schemes. In other words, we recognized
that relying only on experts traditional assessment methods could
lead to relying too much on their experience and not to pay enough
attention to the specific firm point of view, thus leading to emphasize too much the consequences of an accidents and to underestimate both the probability of occurrence and the prevention and
protection measures already in place