Jones Soda Peter van Stolk founded Jones Soda on the premise that Gen Y
consumers would be more accepting of a new soft drink brand if they felt they discovered it
themselves. Jones Soda initially was sold only in shops that sell surfboards, snowboards,
and skateboards. The Jones Soda Web site would encourage fans to send in personal photos
for possible use on Jones Soda labels. Although only a small number were picked from
tens of thousands of entries, the approach helped create relevance and an emotional connection.
Customers could also purchase bottles with customized labels. Famous for unusual flavors such as
Turkey and Gravy, Pineapple Upside Down, Berry White (a pun on singer Barry White), Purple Carrot, and
Lemon Drop Dead, the company also adds pithy words of wisdom from customers under the bottle cap
to create additional relevance and distinctiveness. The approach worked for a number of years—
revenue grew at 15 percent to 30 percent annually—until an ill-fated foray into canned soda and selling
through mass market retailers Target and Walmart resulted in some devastating financial losses and a
vow to return to the company’s personal-touch roots