4.7 Volume Units
When the unit is set in COUNTER mode, the display shows either particles per cubic foot
(FT3) or particles per liter (LITERS).
When the unit is set in the MASS mode the volume is always expressed as mass per
cubic meters.
4.8 Temperature Units
If a Met One Instruments G3120 Relative Humidity/ Temperature Sensor is connected
to the AEROCET 531, the ambient temperature value is displayed in either C (Celsius)
or F (Fahrenheit).
4.9 Low Battery Warning
When the internal battery pack output goes below 5.80 volts DC, a low battery message
(Low Battery!) is displayed on the main sample screen. If the output goes below
5.50 volts the charge battery warning Charge battery! is displayed on the screen
(refer to section 5.10).