A prime example is the kingdom of Ayutthaya, which at the
end of the fifteenth century dominated the central Menam
basin. The territory under Ayutthaya's control, however,
was divided into a number of graduated muang or
settlements, each under its own governor. The latter might
acknowledge the overlordship of Ayutthaya and drink the
sanctified water of allegiance to show their loyalty, but as
royal relatives and muang lords their status could be almost
equivalent to that of the ruler.
• Independence naturally increased with distance from the
centre, and although a law of 1468-9 claims that twenty
kings paid Ayutthaya homage, its hold sat lightly on distant
Malay Muslim tributaries such as Pahang, Kelantan,
Terengganu, and Pattani. These areas essentially acted as
autonomous states and as long as appropriate gifts were
sent regularly to Ayutthaya there was little interference in
their affairs.