Silica gel is a synthetic silica compound that can be extracted from rice husk ash by the sol-gel method. Silica is removed from residual ash in the form of sodium silicate, and in a later stage of the process, treatment with acid converts the silica into gel. This type of extraction can be done at ambient temperatures, making it an alternative to the thermal treatment, which is often used in the production of highly reactivate pozzolanas.1-5 Previous studies on the preparation and characterization of extracted silica gel from rice husk ash have resulted in a simplified method for obtaining pure silica,6-9 and this process is called the sol-gel method.
The sol-gel method involves the synthesis of an inorganic polymer network by means of chemical reactions in solution at low temperatures. In this process, a colloidal suspension or solution is transformed into gel by establishing bonds between the particles or between molecular specimens.10 The materials obtained through this method exhibit high levels of purity and homogeneity, and furthermore, they require processing temperatures much lower than those required to obtain reactive silica from rice husk ash. The chemistry of the sol-gel process is based on the hydrolysis and condensation of molecular precursors.
Silica gel is an inorganic and amorphous polymer that is formed by the condensation of silicate tetrahedrons using oxygen as the binding site, giving rise to the siloxane bond (Si-O-Si) and, ultimately, nanometer-sized particles.11 The siloxane groups are in the interior of the particles, and the surface is composed of silanol groups (Si-OH). Based on previous studies,6-9,11 it is known that amorphous silica has increased solubility in solutions with pH values higher than 10. Therefore, the amorphous silica contained in the rice husk ash can be solubilized when treated with a sodium hydroxide solution that has a pH value greater than 10. Thus, amorphous silica is dissolved and forms soluble silicate, which has a solubility of 876 mg/L in water at 25 ºC.12 When solubilized, the silica is in the monomeric form of silicic acid - Si(OH)4, as shown in Equation 1.13
INTRODUCTIONSilica gel is a synthetic silica compound that can be extracted from rice husk ash by the sol-gel method. Silica is removed from residual ash in the form of sodium silicate, and in a later stage of the process, treatment with acid converts the silica into gel. This type of extraction can be done at ambient temperatures, making it an alternative to the thermal treatment, which is often used in the production of highly reactivate pozzolanas.1-5 Previous studies on the preparation and characterization of extracted silica gel from rice husk ash have resulted in a simplified method for obtaining pure silica,6-9 and this process is called the sol-gel method.The sol-gel method involves the synthesis of an inorganic polymer network by means of chemical reactions in solution at low temperatures. In this process, a colloidal suspension or solution is transformed into gel by establishing bonds between the particles or between molecular specimens.10 The materials obtained through this method exhibit high levels of purity and homogeneity, and furthermore, they require processing temperatures much lower than those required to obtain reactive silica from rice husk ash. The chemistry of the sol-gel process is based on the hydrolysis and condensation of molecular precursors.ซิลิก้าเจลจะเป็นอนินทรีย์ และไปพอลิเมอร์ที่เกิดขึ้นจากการควบแน่นของซิลิเก tetrahedrons ใช้ออกซิเจนเป็นไซต์ผูก ให้เพิ่มขึ้นในบอนด์ siloxane (ซีโอซี) สุด particles.11 ขนาด nanometer กลุ่ม siloxane อยู่ในภายในของอนุภาค และพื้นผิวประกอบด้วยกลุ่ม silanol (ซี-OH) ขึ้นอยู่กับการศึกษาก่อนหน้านี้ 6-9,11 เป็นที่รู้จักกันว่าซิลิก้าไปได้เพิ่มขึ้นละลายในโซลูชั่นที่มีค่า pH สูงกว่า 10 ดังนั้น ซิลิก้าไปที่มีอยู่ในข้าวแกลบเถ้าสามารถถูก solubilized เมื่อรักษา ด้วยโซลูชันโซเดียมไฮดรอกไซด์ที่มีค่า pH มากกว่า 10 ดังนั้น ซิลิก้าไปส่วนถูกยุบ และฟอร์มละลายซิลิเคท ซึ่งมีการละลายของ 876 mg/L ในน้ำที่ 25 ºC.12 เมื่อ solubilized ซิลิก้าอยู่ในแบบ monomeric silicic กรด - ซี (OH) 4 ดังที่แสดงในสมการ 1.13
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