5.1.4 Additional rules and limitations on “multiple selection” Logically Linking are:
- One can only link image files that are being used in multispectral type image windows.
- Any image files in a multiple selection set which contains a different number of lines and
columns than the first selected image will be ignored. A message to this affect will be listed
in the output text window.
-The separate image files may contain a different number of data bytes, a different number
of channels and they can be a mixture of band interleaved by line (BIL) and band
sequential (BSQ) formats. (Note that band interleaved by sample or pixel (BIS or BIP)
formats cannot be used in logically linked image files. One will need to change the BIS
formatted file to BIL or BSQ first.)
- Any shape files in a multiple selection will be ignored.
- The limit for the number of files in a multiple selection is 500.