This paper is the first to propose a formal classification scheme
for storage yard operations. Luo, Wu, Halldorsson, and Song (2011)
is the only other literature overview paper dedicated to storage
yard operations. However, Luo et al. (2011) is limited to summarizing
a subset of the existing storage yard operations literature. In
that sense, Luo et al. (2011) provides a literature update to the
overview papers of Vis and De Koster (2003), Steenken et al.
(2004), and Stahlbock and Voß (2008) which review all operations in container terminals. In terms of the literature overview we limit
ourselves to articles published and available as in press between
2004 and 2012, whereas this paper is a partial follow up to Vis
and De Koster (2003). An extensive search in several scientific databases
including Engineering Village, Google Scholar, Pro Quest,
and Web of Science resulted in 90 scientific journal articles, published
in 36 different journals, directly related to container terminal
storage yard operations. Note that publications addressing two
emerging decisions related to storage yard operations (i.e., container
inspections and intermodal operations) are not discussed
in this paper. Also, publications addressing the management of
refrigerated and empty containers are not treated in this paper.