he gap between them is increasing. The Declaration of Budapest argues
that what distinguishes poor people or countries from rich ones is that not
only do they have fewer possessions but also that the large majority remain
excluded from the creation and the benefits of scientific knowledge. The
data clearly show that the greater benefits that science brings are unequally
distributed. This translates into inequality and injustice between countries and
between social groups. It reinforces the continuing exclusion of groups from
the knowledge of science and the benefits of its use, through belonging to
particular ethnic, gender, social or geographic groups. Science must not only
respond to the needs of society in order to improve the quality of life of
the majority population which lives in poverty; it should also be used by all
citizens, men and women. To be usable, scientific advances have to be known and owned. The
philosopher Fernando Savater, writing on this issue, is clear on the importance of science for all
and the impact of being excluded from such knowledge.
he gap between them is increasing. The Declaration of Budapest arguesthat what distinguishes poor people or countries from rich ones is that notonly do they have fewer possessions but also that the large majority remainexcluded from the creation and the benefits of scientific knowledge. Thedata clearly show that the greater benefits that science brings are unequallydistributed. This translates into inequality and injustice between countries andbetween social groups. It reinforces the continuing exclusion of groups fromthe knowledge of science and the benefits of its use, through belonging toparticular ethnic, gender, social or geographic groups. Science must not onlyrespond to the needs of society in order to improve the quality of life ofthe majority population which lives in poverty; it should also be used by allcitizens, men and women. To be usable, scientific advances have to be known and owned. Thephilosopher Fernando Savater, writing on this issue, is clear on the importance of science for alland the impact of being excluded from such knowledge.
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