The iCycler IQ System (Bio-Rad) was used for amplification and
melting curve analysis. The following were used as primers: FGtub
forward (59-GGTCTCGACAGCAATGGTGTT-39) and FGtub reverse
(59-GCTTGTGTTTTTCGTGGCAGT-39) (Reischer et al., 2004) for F.
graminearum, FculC561 forward (59-CACCGTCATTGGTATGTTGTCACT-
39) and FculC614 reverse (59-CGGGAGCGTCTGATAGTCG-
39) (Nicolaisen et al., 2009) for F. culmorum, and tef1 (Gruber et al.,
2011) for Trichoderma. SYBR Green was used as dye for the qPCR