Felt a unusual killing intent, Tian Youqing looks to came the human, in the pupil to flash through a pleasant surprise, has laughed:
„Ha, the Shitian brother, you came back finally, in the half year, your reputation resounds through Dongzhou, made the little brother admire really!”
Tian Youqing a few words, direct the attention of person countless person immediately, this is Di Shitian.
Many people were scared, this Di Shitian is bold, he has not even met including the list, assassinates again and again, then leaves own name, incomprehensible.
Xuanyuan heart, has gawked, has not recovered, oneself hid more than half a year in ‚the Chang Sheng palace’, what matter does not have, what was own reputation resounds through Dongzhou?
„Youqing brother, how did this words say?” A Xuanyuan face is confused.
At this moment, sudden extremely terrifying Murderous Qi presses up to the Xuanyuan forehead, seems similar to the god of death long howls of nine quiet hells transmits together, sword glow bone-chilling cold, frightening.
„Di Shitian, but also my Yin Family juniors assign, today I must kill you.” Yin Qianxun grasps a lower rank immortal long sword, this lower rank immortal sword is similar to Heavenly Dragon tumbling Ben Yong, puts out astonishing dragon rests, the imposing manner such as the day crush.
The Xuanyuan heart jumps, wants other person of good, has not thought that unexpectedly is Yin Qianxun, now can only resist to say first again.
A terrifying Evil Qi tumbling, a bone sword appears in the hand of Xuanyuan, is that Middle grade immortal, ‚Dragon Bone Extinguishing Sword’, this Dragon Bone Extinguishing Sword Murderous Qi is together dreadful, Evil Qi fills the air, Yin Qianxun sees instant, the pupil cannot conceal shocking, middle that killed intent too to be really terrorist, does not know that gathered the lives of many people, had this killing intent.
Without any style, the pure strength fights with all might, Xuanyuan wields a sword to divide, two immortal sword junctions strike in the same place, clang, the contention resounds through the horizon together!
Yin Qianxun by a great strength of Xuanyuan sword shaking, the Xuanyuan body shook, retroceded several steps, has not thought that Yin Qianxun has stepped into two Immortal Realm summit Boundary unexpectedly, must know that Xuanyuan is ‚The Body Of All Creation’, the mortal body were too many compared with the common people, the strength is greatly boundless, may melt makes every effort, Yin Qianxun ‚Heavenly Dragon seeks to kill body’ unusually, is higher than big Boundary compared with Xuanyuan, can shake Xuanyuan not to be strange.
„And other, in the middle of this has the misunderstanding inevitably, on the same day I ’ break through Immortal Realm Boundary in ‚day ghost mountain, initiates ‚ Crossing Immortal Calamity’, by ‚Crossing Immortal Calamity’ deducting severe wound, was hidden the training over six months, has moved, how I kill your Yin Family juniors!” Xuanyuan heavy sound track.
Yin Qianxun hear [words/that] one startled, has not thought that at present this Di Shitian is also has initiated ‚Crossing Immortal Calamity’ existence.
„Has what evidence, cannot produce evidence you to suffer to death today!” For all that but Yin Qianxun does not dread, but Di Shitian exterminates ‚day ghost mountain’, making him admire very much, at least exterminates ‚day ghost mountain’ not any reward, he is actually willing the common people who over suffers hardships for local these, this is many people the matter that is hard to achieve, therefore he decided that clarifies itself to a Di Shitian opportunity, moreover Di Shitian can a person exterminate ‚day ghost mountain’, his strength is also very terrifying, the Yin Qianxun complete assurance, he is not rash.