We will be meeting in Bangkok in less than 4 weeks time for this year’s regional gathering of children’s groups’ representatives. Thank you so much for all your support during the preparatory process so far! With this email I would like to share with you the proposed draft agenda for the Gathering which was developed based on the inputs shared by children through learning needs assessments. In terms of next steps, kindly support coordinating the below mentioned points with the participating children:
· Share the draft agenda with children and invite their inputs to improve it;
· Support children to prepare poster presentations on updates/activities conducted by their children’s groups since last year and in-between the two gatherings and
· Ask the children to reflect on their involvement in advocacy work at different levels and collect these information to be shared during the Regional Gathering.
Can I also ask that the focal points of our Regional Programme take a lead role in coordinating this extremely important task and revert to me with any inputs by 30th September?
Kindly let me know if anything is not clear.