PEFR is the largest expiratory flow rate which is achieved with a maximal forced effort from a position of maximal inspiration, which is expressed in litres/min. Since it can be easily carried out at work place, this parameter is often used to detect the severity of lung diseases.
PEFR and Age: In the age group of 18–27 years, mean PEFR was found to be 495.31 + 45.42 litres/min, which declined with age to reach values of 486.38 + 46.13 litres/min (for age group of 28-36 yrs) and 475.93 + 42.67 litres/min (for age group of 37-45 years)[Table/Fig-2]. Therefore, the present study revealed that mean PEFR in study subjects decreased with an increase in age. Also, when mean PEFR of study subjects was compared with that of control subjects according to three age sub–groups, it was found to be less than that of control subjects and this difference was statistically highly significant. The results were consistent with those of another study which was conducted [6].
PEFR and Height: As shown in [Table/Fig-3],there was a positive correlation between PEFR and height in the control subjects (r=+0.269). The mean PEFR in study subjects and control subjects increased with an increase in height. This result was corroborative with those of the studies which were conducted by researchers [7]. On comparison, according to three height sub–groups, mean PEFR of study subjects was found to be less than that of control subjects and this result was statistically highly significant.