Absolutely, everyone has a dream. We all imagine a perfect future for ourselves but also -keeping our feet on the ground – we try to live a realistic life. It’s time to be more ambitious and reach for the stars: to succeed you have to believe.
My name is Donut, and I’m 23 years old. I have always been a somewhat timid person: more of a follower than a leader. Every decision I made depended mostly on other people’s suggestions with very little coming from what I wanted to do. But that has changed! The reason for the changes was I wanted to make my life better. To do this I knew I had to be more outgoing and seize the opportunities that were passing me by.
Today I am a completely different person. I was recently talking to two of my friends and I told them I wanted to be a singer – a great singer who inspired others. I don’t know why but they started to laugh at me. I felt disappointed in their reaction and my pride was hurt so much it made me feel angry. I wished I could rewind the rape and erase what I had just told them but, of course, I couldn’t. I felt sorry for myself for a while until I realized I should stand up for myself and follow my dream regardless of what other people say. I plucked up the courage and attended the audition and even though I don’t know if I made the grade I do know that I am more confident in myself and appreciate the experience this gave me. It really was a precious time.
Nowadays, I know that what I believe is not a waste because it makes me who I am. It is something I can be proud of and by daring to chase my dream I come closer to reaching the stars. If I hadn’t been brave I would not be able to feel so good about myself. It is not about the destination, it is all about the journey. Be brave and follow your dreams