Expanding the 5E ModelA proposed 7E model emphasizes “transfer of lear การแปล - Expanding the 5E ModelA proposed 7E model emphasizes “transfer of lear ไทย วิธีการพูด

Expanding the 5E ModelA proposed 7E

Expanding the 5E Model
A proposed 7E model emphasizes “transfer of learning” and the importance of eliciting
prior understanding
Arthur Eisenkraft
maintain its value after new information, insights, and
knowledge have been gathered. Such is now the case with
the highly successful 5E learning cycle and instructional
model (Bybee 1997). Research on how people learn and
the incorporation of that research into lesson plans and
curriculum development demands that the 5E model
be expanded to a 7E model.
The 5E learning cycle model requires instruction to
include the following discrete elements: engage,
explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate. The
proposed 7E model expands the engage element into
two components—elicit and engage. Similarly, the 7E
model expands the two stages of elaborate and
evaluate into three components— elaborate, evaluate,
and extend. The transition from the 5E model to the
7E model is illustrated in Figure 1.
These changes are not suggested to add complexity,
but rather to ensure instructors do not omit crucial
elements for learning from their lessons while under
the incorrect assumption they are meeting the
requirements of the learning cycle.
Eliciting prior understandings
Current research in cognitive science has shown that
eliciting prior understandings is a necessary
component of the learning process. Research also has
shown that expert learners are much more adept at
the transfer of learning than novices and that practice
in the transfer of learning is required in good
instruction (Bransford, Brown, and Cocking 2000).
The engage component in the 5E model is intended to
capture students’ attention, get students thinking
about the subject matter, raise questions in students’
minds, stimulate thinking, and access prior
knowledge. For example, teachers may engage
students by creating surprise or doubt through a
demonstration that shows a piece of steel sinking and
a steel toy boat floating. Similarly, a teacher may place
an ice cube into a glass of water and have the class
observe it float while the same ice cube placed in a
second glass of liquid sinks. The corresponding
conversation with the students may access their prior
learning. The students should have the opportunity to
ask and attempt to answer, “Why is it that the toy
boat does not sink?”
The engage component includes both accessing prior
knowledge and generating enthusiasm for the subject
matter. Teachers may excite students, get them
interested and ready to learn, and believe they are
fulfilling the engage phase of the learning cycle, while
ignoring the need to find out what prior knowledge
students bring to the topic. The importance of eliciting
prior understandings in ascertaining what students
know prior to a lesson is imperative. Recognizing that
students construct knowledge from existing
knowledge, teachers need to find out what existing
knowledge their students possess. Failure to do so
may result in students developing concepts very
different from the ones the teacher intends (Bransford,
Brown, and Cocking 2000).
A straightforward means by which teachers may elicit
prior understandings is by framing a “What Do You
Think” question at the outset of the lesson as is done
consistently in some current curricula. For example, a
common physics lesson on seat belts might begin with
Expanding the 5E Model
A proposed 7E model emphasizes “transfer of learning” and the importance of eliciting
prior understanding
Arthur Eisenkraft
maintain its value after new information, insights, and
knowledge have been gathered. Such is now the case with
the highly successful 5E learning cycle and instructional
model (Bybee 1997). Research on how people learn and
the incorporation of that research into lesson plans and
curriculum development demands that the 5E model
be expanded to a 7E model.
© It’s About Time
a question about designing seat belts for a racecar
traveling at a high rate of speed (Figure 2, p. xxxiv).
“How would they be different from ones available on
passenger cars?” Students responding to this question
communicate what they know about seat belts and
inform themselves, their classmates, and the teacher
about their prior conceptions and understandings.
There is no need to arrive at consensus or closure at
this point. Students do not assume the teacher will tell
them the “right” answer. The “What Do You Think”
question is intended to begin the conversation.
The proposed expansion of the 5E model does not
exchange the engage component for the elicit
component; the engage component is still a necessary
element in good instruction. The goal is to continue to
excite and interest students in whatever ways possible
and to identify prior conceptions. Therefore, the elicit
component should stand alone as a reminder of its
importance in learning and constructing meaning.
Explore and explain
The explore phase of the learning cycle provides an
opportunity for students to observe, record data,
isolate variables, design and plan experiments, create
graphs, interpret results, develop hypotheses, and
organize their findings. Teachers may frame questions,
suggest approaches, provide feedback, and assess
understandings. An excellent example of teaching a
lesson on the metabolic rate of water fleas (Lawson
2001) illustrates the effectiveness of the learning cycle
with varying amounts of teacher and learner
ownership and control (Gil 2002).
Students are introduced to models, laws, and theories
during the explain phase of the learning cycle.
Students summarize results in terms of these new
theories and models. The teacher guides students
toward coherent and consistent generalizations, helps
students with distinct scientific vocabulary, and
provides questions that help students use this
vocabulary to explain the results of their explorations.
The distinction between the explore and explain
components ensures that concepts precede
Applying knowledge
The elaborate phase of the learning cycle provides an
opportunity for students to apply their knowledge to
new domains, which may include raising new
questions and hypotheses to explore. This phase may
also include related numerical problems for students
to solve. When students explore the heating curve of
water and the related heats of fusion and
vaporization, they can then perform a similar
experiment with another liquid or, using data from a
reference table, compare and contrast materials with
respect to freezing and boiling points. A further
elaboration may ask students to consider the specific
heats of metals in comparison to water and to explain
why pizza from the oven remains hot but aluminum
foil beneath the pizza cools so rapidly.
The elaboration phase ties directly to the
psychological construct called “transfer of learning”
(Thorndike 1923). Schools are created and supported
with the expectation that more general uses of
knowledge will be found outside of school and
beyond the school years (Hilgard and Bower 1975).
Transfer of learning can range from transfer of one
concept to another (e.g., Newton’s law of gravitation
and Coulomb’s law of electrostatics); one school
subject to another (e.g., math skills applied in
The proposed 7E learning cycle
and instructional model.
5E 7E
Explore Explore
Explain Explain
Coordinated Sciencexxxiv
Coordinated Science
© It’s About Time
scientific investigations); one year to
another (e.g., significant figures,
graphing, chemistry concepts in
physics); and school to nonschool
activities (e.g., using a graph to
calculate whether it is cost effective to
join a video club or pay a higher rate
on rentals) (Bransford, Brown, and
Cocking 2000).
Too often, the elaboration phase has
come to mean an elaboration of the
specific concepts. Teachers may
provide the specific heat of a second
substance and have students perform
identical calculations. This practice in
transfer of learning seems limited to
near transfer as opposed to far or
distant transfer (Mayer 1979). Even
though teachers expect wonderful
results when they limit themselves to
near transfer with large similarities
between the original task and the
transfer task, they know students
often find elaborations difficult. And
as difficult as near transfer is for
students, the distant transfer is usually
a much harder road to traverse.
Students who are quite able to discuss
phase changes of substances and their
related freezing points, melting points,
and heats of fusion and vaporization
may find it exceedingly difficult to
transfer the concept of phase change
as a means of explaining traffic
Practicing the transfer
of learning
The addition of the extend phase to
the elaborate phase is intended to
explicitly remind teachers of the
importance for students to practice the
transfer of learning. Teachers need to
make sure that knowledge is applied
in a new context and is not limited to
simple elaboration. For instance, in
another common activity students
may be required to invent a sport that
can be played on the moon. An
activity on friction informs students
that friction increases with weight.
Seat belt lesson using the 7E model.
Elicit prior understandings
Students are asked,“Suppose you had to design seat belts for a racecar
traveling at high speeds. How would they be different from ones
available on passenger cars?” The students are required to write a brief
response to this “What Do You Think?” question in their logs and then
share with the person sitting next to them.The class then listens to
some of the responses.This requires a few minutes of class time.
Students relate car accidents they have witnessed in movies or in real
The first part of the exploration requires students to construct a clay
figure they can sit on a cart.The cart is then
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Expanding the 5E ModelA proposed 7E model emphasizes “transfer of learning” and the importance of elicitingprior understandingArthur EisenkraftSOMETIMES A CURRENT MODEL MUST BE AMENDED TOmaintain its value after new information, insights, andknowledge have been gathered. Such is now the case withthe highly successful 5E learning cycle and instructionalmodel (Bybee 1997). Research on how people learn and the incorporation of that research into lesson plans andcurriculum development demands that the 5E model be expanded to a 7E model.The 5E learning cycle model requires instruction toinclude the following discrete elements: engage,explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate. Theproposed 7E model expands the engage element intotwo components—elicit and engage. Similarly, the 7Emodel expands the two stages of elaborate andevaluate into three components— elaborate, evaluate,and extend. The transition from the 5E model to the7E model is illustrated in Figure 1. These changes are not suggested to add complexity,but rather to ensure instructors do not omit crucialelements for learning from their lessons while underthe incorrect assumption they are meeting therequirements of the learning cycle. Eliciting prior understandings Current research in cognitive science has shown thateliciting prior understandings is a necessarycomponent of the learning process. Research also hasshown that expert learners are much more adept atthe transfer of learning than novices and that practicein the transfer of learning is required in goodinstruction (Bransford, Brown, and Cocking 2000).The engage component in the 5E model is intended tocapture students’ attention, get students thinkingabout the subject matter, raise questions in students’minds, stimulate thinking, and access priorknowledge. For example, teachers may engagestudents by creating surprise or doubt through ademonstration that shows a piece of steel sinking anda steel toy boat floating. Similarly, a teacher may placean ice cube into a glass of water and have the classobserve it float while the same ice cube placed in asecond glass of liquid sinks. The correspondingconversation with the students may access their priorlearning. The students should have the opportunity toask and attempt to answer, “Why is it that the toyboat does not sink?”The engage component includes both accessing priorknowledge and generating enthusiasm for the subjectmatter. Teachers may excite students, get theminterested and ready to learn, and believe they arefulfilling the engage phase of the learning cycle, whileignoring the need to find out what prior knowledgestudents bring to the topic. The importance of elicitingprior understandings in ascertaining what studentsknow prior to a lesson is imperative. Recognizing thatstudents construct knowledge from existingknowledge, teachers need to find out what existingknowledge their students possess. Failure to do somay result in students developing concepts verydifferent from the ones the teacher intends (Bransford,Brown, and Cocking 2000).A straightforward means by which teachers may elicitprior understandings is by framing a “What Do YouThink” question at the outset of the lesson as is doneconsistently in some current curricula. For example, acommon physics lesson on seat belts might begin withExpanding the 5E ModelA proposed 7E model emphasizes “transfer of learning” and the importance of elicitingprior understandingArthur EisenkraftSOMETIMES A CURRENT MODEL MUST BE AMENDED TOmaintain its value after new information, insights, andknowledge have been gathered. Such is now the case withthe highly successful 5E learning cycle and instructionalmodel (Bybee 1997). Research on how people learn and the incorporation of that research into lesson plans andcurriculum development demands that the 5E model be expanded to a 7E model.Physicsxxxiii© It’s About Timea question about designing seat belts for a racecartraveling at a high rate of speed (Figure 2, p. xxxiv).“How would they be different from ones available onpassenger cars?” Students responding to this questioncommunicate what they know about seat belts andinform themselves, their classmates, and the teacherabout their prior conceptions and understandings.There is no need to arrive at consensus or closure atthis point. Students do not assume the teacher will tellthem the “right” answer. The “What Do You Think”question is intended to begin the conversation. The proposed expansion of the 5E model does notexchange the engage component for the elicitcomponent; the engage component is still a necessaryelement in good instruction. The goal is to continue toexcite and interest students in whatever ways possibleand to identify prior conceptions. Therefore, the elicitcomponent should stand alone as a reminder of itsimportance in learning and constructing meaning. Explore and explain The explore phase of the learning cycle provides anopportunity for students to observe, record data,isolate variables, design and plan experiments, creategraphs, interpret results, develop hypotheses, andorganize their findings. Teachers may frame questions,suggest approaches, provide feedback, and assessunderstandings. An excellent example of teaching alesson on the metabolic rate of water fleas (Lawson2001) illustrates the effectiveness of the learning cyclewith varying amounts of teacher and learnerownership and control (Gil 2002). Students are introduced to models, laws, and theoriesduring the explain phase of the learning cycle.Students summarize results in terms of these newtheories and models. The teacher guides studentstoward coherent and consistent generalizations, helpsstudents with distinct scientific vocabulary, andprovides questions that help students use thisvocabulary to explain the results of their explorations.The distinction between the explore and explaincomponents ensures that concepts precedeterminology. Applying knowledge The elaborate phase of the learning cycle provides anopportunity for students to apply their knowledge tonew domains, which may include raising newquestions and hypotheses to explore. This phase mayalso include related numerical problems for studentsto solve. When students explore the heating curve ofwater and the related heats of fusion andvaporization, they can then perform a similarexperiment with another liquid or, using data from areference table, compare and contrast materials withrespect to freezing and boiling points. A furtherelaboration may ask students to consider the specificheats of metals in comparison to water and to explainwhy pizza from the oven remains hot but aluminumfoil beneath the pizza cools so rapidly. The elaboration phase ties directly to thepsychological construct called “transfer of learning”(Thorndike 1923). Schools are created and supportedwith the expectation that more general uses ofknowledge will be found outside of school andbeyond the school years (Hilgard and Bower 1975).Transfer of learning can range from transfer of oneconcept to another (e.g., Newton’s law of gravitationand Coulomb’s law of electrostatics); one schoolsubject to another (e.g., math skills applied in
The proposed 7E learning cycle
and instructional model.
5E 7E
Explore Explore
Explain Explain
Coordinated Sciencexxxiv
Coordinated Science
© It’s About Time
scientific investigations); one year to
another (e.g., significant figures,
graphing, chemistry concepts in
physics); and school to nonschool
activities (e.g., using a graph to
calculate whether it is cost effective to
join a video club or pay a higher rate
on rentals) (Bransford, Brown, and
Cocking 2000).
Too often, the elaboration phase has
come to mean an elaboration of the
specific concepts. Teachers may
provide the specific heat of a second
substance and have students perform
identical calculations. This practice in
transfer of learning seems limited to
near transfer as opposed to far or
distant transfer (Mayer 1979). Even
though teachers expect wonderful
results when they limit themselves to
near transfer with large similarities
between the original task and the
transfer task, they know students
often find elaborations difficult. And
as difficult as near transfer is for
students, the distant transfer is usually
a much harder road to traverse.
Students who are quite able to discuss
phase changes of substances and their
related freezing points, melting points,
and heats of fusion and vaporization
may find it exceedingly difficult to
transfer the concept of phase change
as a means of explaining traffic
Practicing the transfer
of learning
The addition of the extend phase to
the elaborate phase is intended to
explicitly remind teachers of the
importance for students to practice the
transfer of learning. Teachers need to
make sure that knowledge is applied
in a new context and is not limited to
simple elaboration. For instance, in
another common activity students
may be required to invent a sport that
can be played on the moon. An
activity on friction informs students
that friction increases with weight.
Seat belt lesson using the 7E model.
Elicit prior understandings
Students are asked,“Suppose you had to design seat belts for a racecar
traveling at high speeds. How would they be different from ones
available on passenger cars?” The students are required to write a brief
response to this “What Do You Think?” question in their logs and then
share with the person sitting next to them.The class then listens to
some of the responses.This requires a few minutes of class time.
Students relate car accidents they have witnessed in movies or in real
The first part of the exploration requires students to construct a clay
figure they can sit on a cart.The cart is then
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Expanding the 5E Model
A proposed 7E model emphasizes “transfer of learning” and the importance of eliciting
prior understanding
Arthur Eisenkraft
maintain its value after new information, insights, and
knowledge have been gathered. Such is now the case with
the highly successful 5E learning cycle and instructional
model (Bybee 1997). Research on how people learn and
the incorporation of that research into lesson plans and
curriculum development demands that the 5E model
be expanded to a 7E model.
The 5E learning cycle model requires instruction to
include the following discrete elements: engage,
explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate. The
proposed 7E model expands the engage element into
two components—elicit and engage. Similarly, the 7E
model expands the two stages of elaborate and
evaluate into three components— elaborate, evaluate,
and extend. The transition from the 5E model to the
7E model is illustrated in Figure 1.
These changes are not suggested to add complexity,
but rather to ensure instructors do not omit crucial
elements for learning from their lessons while under
the incorrect assumption they are meeting the
requirements of the learning cycle.
Eliciting prior understandings
Current research in cognitive science has shown that
eliciting prior understandings is a necessary
component of the learning process. Research also has
shown that expert learners are much more adept at
the transfer of learning than novices and that practice
in the transfer of learning is required in good
instruction (Bransford, Brown, and Cocking 2000).
The engage component in the 5E model is intended to
capture students’ attention, get students thinking
about the subject matter, raise questions in students’
minds, stimulate thinking, and access prior
knowledge. For example, teachers may engage
students by creating surprise or doubt through a
demonstration that shows a piece of steel sinking and
a steel toy boat floating. Similarly, a teacher may place
an ice cube into a glass of water and have the class
observe it float while the same ice cube placed in a
second glass of liquid sinks. The corresponding
conversation with the students may access their prior
learning. The students should have the opportunity to
ask and attempt to answer, “Why is it that the toy
boat does not sink?”
The engage component includes both accessing prior
knowledge and generating enthusiasm for the subject
matter. Teachers may excite students, get them
interested and ready to learn, and believe they are
fulfilling the engage phase of the learning cycle, while
ignoring the need to find out what prior knowledge
students bring to the topic. The importance of eliciting
prior understandings in ascertaining what students
know prior to a lesson is imperative. Recognizing that
students construct knowledge from existing
knowledge, teachers need to find out what existing
knowledge their students possess. Failure to do so
may result in students developing concepts very
different from the ones the teacher intends (Bransford,
Brown, and Cocking 2000).
A straightforward means by which teachers may elicit
prior understandings is by framing a “What Do You
Think” question at the outset of the lesson as is done
consistently in some current curricula. For example, a
common physics lesson on seat belts might begin with
Expanding the 5E Model
A proposed 7E model emphasizes “transfer of learning” and the importance of eliciting
prior understanding
Arthur Eisenkraft
maintain its value after new information, insights, and
knowledge have been gathered. Such is now the case with
the highly successful 5E learning cycle and instructional
model (Bybee 1997). Research on how people learn and
the incorporation of that research into lesson plans and
curriculum development demands that the 5E model
be expanded to a 7E model.
© It’s About Time
a question about designing seat belts for a racecar
traveling at a high rate of speed (Figure 2, p. xxxiv).
“How would they be different from ones available on
passenger cars?” Students responding to this question
communicate what they know about seat belts and
inform themselves, their classmates, and the teacher
about their prior conceptions and understandings.
There is no need to arrive at consensus or closure at
this point. Students do not assume the teacher will tell
them the “right” answer. The “What Do You Think”
question is intended to begin the conversation.
The proposed expansion of the 5E model does not
exchange the engage component for the elicit
component; the engage component is still a necessary
element in good instruction. The goal is to continue to
excite and interest students in whatever ways possible
and to identify prior conceptions. Therefore, the elicit
component should stand alone as a reminder of its
importance in learning and constructing meaning.
Explore and explain
The explore phase of the learning cycle provides an
opportunity for students to observe, record data,
isolate variables, design and plan experiments, create
graphs, interpret results, develop hypotheses, and
organize their findings. Teachers may frame questions,
suggest approaches, provide feedback, and assess
understandings. An excellent example of teaching a
lesson on the metabolic rate of water fleas (Lawson
2001) illustrates the effectiveness of the learning cycle
with varying amounts of teacher and learner
ownership and control (Gil 2002).
Students are introduced to models, laws, and theories
during the explain phase of the learning cycle.
Students summarize results in terms of these new
theories and models. The teacher guides students
toward coherent and consistent generalizations, helps
students with distinct scientific vocabulary, and
provides questions that help students use this
vocabulary to explain the results of their explorations.
The distinction between the explore and explain
components ensures that concepts precede
Applying knowledge
The elaborate phase of the learning cycle provides an
opportunity for students to apply their knowledge to
new domains, which may include raising new
questions and hypotheses to explore. This phase may
also include related numerical problems for students
to solve. When students explore the heating curve of
water and the related heats of fusion and
vaporization, they can then perform a similar
experiment with another liquid or, using data from a
reference table, compare and contrast materials with
respect to freezing and boiling points. A further
elaboration may ask students to consider the specific
heats of metals in comparison to water and to explain
why pizza from the oven remains hot but aluminum
foil beneath the pizza cools so rapidly.
The elaboration phase ties directly to the
psychological construct called “transfer of learning”
(Thorndike 1923). Schools are created and supported
with the expectation that more general uses of
knowledge will be found outside of school and
beyond the school years (Hilgard and Bower 1975).
Transfer of learning can range from transfer of one
concept to another (e.g., Newton’s law of gravitation
and Coulomb’s law of electrostatics); one school
subject to another (e.g., math skills applied in
The proposed 7E learning cycle
and instructional model.
5E 7E
Explore Explore
Explain Explain
Coordinated Sciencexxxiv
Coordinated Science
© It’s About Time
scientific investigations); one year to
another (e.g., significant figures,
graphing, chemistry concepts in
physics); and school to nonschool
activities (e.g., using a graph to
calculate whether it is cost effective to
join a video club or pay a higher rate
on rentals) (Bransford, Brown, and
Cocking 2000).
Too often, the elaboration phase has
come to mean an elaboration of the
specific concepts. Teachers may
provide the specific heat of a second
substance and have students perform
identical calculations. This practice in
transfer of learning seems limited to
near transfer as opposed to far or
distant transfer (Mayer 1979). Even
though teachers expect wonderful
results when they limit themselves to
near transfer with large similarities
between the original task and the
transfer task, they know students
often find elaborations difficult. And
as difficult as near transfer is for
students, the distant transfer is usually
a much harder road to traverse.
Students who are quite able to discuss
phase changes of substances and their
related freezing points, melting points,
and heats of fusion and vaporization
may find it exceedingly difficult to
transfer the concept of phase change
as a means of explaining traffic
Practicing the transfer
of learning
The addition of the extend phase to
the elaborate phase is intended to
explicitly remind teachers of the
importance for students to practice the
transfer of learning. Teachers need to
make sure that knowledge is applied
in a new context and is not limited to
simple elaboration. For instance, in
another common activity students
may be required to invent a sport that
can be played on the moon. An
activity on friction informs students
that friction increases with weight.
Seat belt lesson using the 7E model.
Elicit prior understandings
Students are asked,“Suppose you had to design seat belts for a racecar
traveling at high speeds. How would they be different from ones
available on passenger cars?” The students are required to write a brief
response to this “What Do You Think?” question in their logs and then
share with the person sitting next to them.The class then listens to
some of the responses.This requires a few minutes of class time.
Students relate car accidents they have witnessed in movies or in real
The first part of the exploration requires students to construct a clay
figure they can sit on a cart.The cart is then
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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