My favorite childhood moment...It's hard to pick, but I really enjoyed my trip to Ecuador when I was eight years old. I visited my relatives and my grandma. I had so much fun playing with my cousins! We played tag, video games, we went to the water park, we went to the beach, we went to Riobamba (rainforest region)...very high elevation over uncle was driving on a very narrow road with no railings on either side...and we were very high up from ground level...probably my scariest moment. อีโมติคอนtongue
But I enjoyed my family, the food (for breakfast, we would eat bread and chocolate milk...for lunch, we always had soup and a plate of the main course...which was typically salad, some type of meat, was delicious..lunch was always the biggest meal of the day...I left stuffed as if my stomach was about to explode afterwards...but I loved it. อีโมติคอนtongue That's where your boyfriend learned to eat a lot. 5555 Dinner was always a light meal.), and I enjoyed the sightseeing. อีโมติคอนsmile
My most embarrassing moment was in elementary school...I forgot which grade...maybe 2nd...My class and I were in the library using the computer, and I had to go to the bathroom, so I raised my hand...The teacher couldn't see me. So, I started waving it, and I really needed to go. It was an emergency!
So, I end up peeing in my embarrassing!
5555 but it's funny now.
There you have some of my memories. อีโมติคอนsmile
I have to go...sorry if I'm not able to chat much today. I'll be very busy...Have a good night and a good sleep, my sweetie.