where SFij is the SF of part i in month j, NB3k is the
number of automobile sold 3 years ago in area k, Hjk
is the number of days whose temperature is above
30 C or below 0 C in month j in area k, and Rjk is
the number of raining days in month j in area k.
BF can be obtained by the questionnaire method. The
questionnaire mainly targets on the managers of spares
inventories and the working staffs in maintenance stations.
However, in traditional questionnaire methods,
the opinions of the domain experts are always inconsistent
and sometimes contrary. In order to integrate different
expert options, following steps are applied:
Step 1. Assign a weight to each expert based on their
experience and knowledge on the spares inventories.
We used four different degrees to evaluate each expert,
namely: (1) most important, (2) very important, (3)
important, and (4) a little important. These degrees
ratings range in value from 4 to 1 (4 means most
important and 1 means a little important).
Step 2. Send the questionnaires to the experts evaluated
in step 1. In each questionnaire, five degrees are
used to evaluate relative importance of each month
in a year, namely: (1) absolutely important, (2) especially
important, (3) important, (4) ordinary, and (5)
unimportant. We also assign values to each degree,
where SFij is the SF of part i in month j, NB3k is thenumber of automobile sold 3 years ago in area k, Hjkis the number of days whose temperature is above30 C or below 0 C in month j in area k, and Rjk isthe number of raining days in month j in area k.BF can be obtained by the questionnaire method. Thequestionnaire mainly targets on the managers of sparesinventories and the working staffs in maintenance stations.However, in traditional questionnaire methods,the opinions of the domain experts are always inconsistentand sometimes contrary. In order to integrate differentexpert options, following steps are applied:Step 1. Assign a weight to each expert based on theirexperience and knowledge on the spares inventories.We used four different degrees to evaluate each expert,namely: (1) most important, (2) very important, (3)important, and (4) a little important. These degreesratings range in value from 4 to 1 (4 means mostimportant and 1 means a little important).Step 2. Send the questionnaires to the experts evaluatedin step 1. In each questionnaire, five degrees areused to evaluate relative importance of each monthin a year, namely: (1) absolutely important, (2) especiallyimportant, (3) important, (4) ordinary, and (5)unimportant. We also assign values to each degree,
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