I tend to think that this item will sell well in domestic market.
I’m inclined to think that you offer the type of service that our company wants.*
From my point of view you cannot find a better bargain than this.
To my mind, the prices used to be a little lower.
As I see it, the new model is quite different from the old one.
I believe that you will find this new product suit your production plan.*
I think/consider/feel that we need to revamp our marketing policy.*
In my opinion, your service has been slow lately.
I really feel that we have a wide range of products to cater to your need.*
I really do think that my boss will agree to your proposal.*
I certainly/definitely think that we can ship the items to you within one week.*
I have absolutely no doubt that we can conclude the sale by next month.
I strongly believe that you will be satisfied with our merchandise.*
I’m convinced/sure/positive that we can give you special prices.*