P.S. How I Spend My Days
Though you may not be interested, but let me still share what I do on a normal day that has helped me immensely over the past few years (ever since I quit my job and took control over my time).
I normally get up at 6 AM, and get my kids ready who leave for school at 7.30. I then go for a 30-45 minute walk/run. After finishing that, I get ready (to go nowhere!) by around 9.30. I then work – which mostly consists of writing articles like this one – for around 2 hours – till around 12 PM.
The next 2 hours – till around 2 PM – are spent reading books and/or annual reports and making notes for future articles. Then, after having my lunch, I spend some time with my family till around 4 PM.
I spend the next 1-2 hours in either writing more stuff or working on other aspects of my business – website, mailers, workshops, travel, etc. My time post 6 PM is for myself and my family again. I mostly have my dinner at 7 PM and go to sleep at 10.
Now, while my life is not perfectly systematic as the above note may make you believe, I manage to stick to this schedule most of the times…and especially to my morning work ritual that set the pace for the rest of my day.
Sticking to my daily rituals has what has helped me channelize my energy well into my business of writing and investing over these past few years. I’m sure it will benefit you too.
After all, no matter what’s happening in your life, coping and succeeding are both a matter of routine.