Table 1 presents the participant profile. The majority of the
students were freshmen or sophomores (60%) under 23 years
of age (92%). Fifty-six percent were females and 44% were
male. Only 21% of the students reported being science
majors, with the rest distributed fairly equally as social
science majors (anthropology, political science, sociology,
social work, or psychology), humanities majors (English,
foreign language, philosophy, history, music, or journalism),
and other/undecided. Just over a quarter of participants
reported not being taught evolution in high school, and 23%
were exposed to both evolution and creationism in high
school. Only 51% of the UMC students in IBA had been
taught evolutionary principles without creationism in high
school science. Cronbach’s alpha is 0.75, indicating that the
internal reliability of the questionnaire is acceptable. Additionally,
the reliability coefficient does not decrease by more
than 0.01 if any item is deleted, indicating that removing any
item would not greatly increase the questionnaire’s reliability.