Sensory properties of hard candy and sweet jelly prepared with adding different levels from anthocyanins pigment of purple carrots as natural colorants compared with control prepared with 0.10% synthetic red color (carmine) are given in Table 9. Analysis of variance showed no significant differences in color for both hard candy prepared by adding 0.30% anthocyanins pigment of purple carrots and sweet jelly contained 0.20% natural red color (purple carrots anthocyanin) and control with 0.10% carmine, while hard candy and sweet jelly prepared with 0.5% recorded the lowest score in color scores. Meanwhile, there is little significant difference in taste and odor scores of hard candy and sweet jelly prepared with adding different levels of anthocyanins pigment form purple carrots and control with 0.10% carmine. On the other hand, hard candy prepared by adding 0.305 and sweet jelly 0.20% anthocyanins pigment of purple carrots recorded the highest scores for tested parameters and came in the first order and equal with control followed by hand candy contains 0.40% and sweet jelly contains 030%. However, both hard candy that contains 0.10% and sweet jelly that contains 0.10 and 0.50% anthocyanins pigment of purple carrots were inferior than other tested samples recorded slightly significant differences compared with other samples