Regarding my passengers ....
Every time I drove a car and I'm taking hitchhikers place !!!
(many times, when I was a teenager .... many times stood and asked for podwizienie ... but it was difficult to have someone help me ...... I had to stand on the road and wait! ....
It was humiliating for me!
If i Please ... if it means that this is something important for me ...... and not some whim ..... but had to pass 100 cars to either stopped)
That's why I try to take hitchhikers if I have not a busy place in the car ...
This time, I drove to Kraków and I heard myself .... that is a website that associates travelers.
I signed up and had set on my driveway ...
to my called many peoples and took them!
With the exception that this time the toll is determined fee !!
So it was this time
I took the passengers who paid me for it.
It's not all