We noticed that you tried to make a purchase(s) from us recently. Due to our internal fraud filters, your order(s) was not processed. This means your card was not charged and your order did not go through and was not shipped.
I wanted to reach out to you personally to get your permission to process your order, and to verify that you are indeed the card holder that is trying to place an order.
Please note that this is a pre-order and all pre-orders will ship on/by October 12, 2016
Here is the order that was picked up in the system and the date:
FS014-201610071204-188726 October 7, 2016
Please let us know if we have your permission to process the transaction {and which order id you would like us to process. If more than one order} and charge your credit card. We will need your card's security code to process your order.
Please provide your shipping address so we can confirm it against the order that was placed as well.
Once that order processes you will receive an order confirmation by email and when a shipping label has been created you will receive an email with the tracking information. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!
If we do not hear from you by October 10, 2016 we will assume you do not wish to place the order and will reject all pending orders from the system.