„Walks.” Bai Li Xuankong bypasses these people directly, goes to the Azure Tree Mountain line, has not managed these to construct the person of emperor clan giant posts a reward to make.
As for Chu Feng, has not managed them similarly, he is very clear, laissez faire they, no matter, Azure Tree Mountain besides encountering shame, not what kind.
But if they get rid, cuts to kill the people of these emperor clans, will then be four Great clans, will provide to cope with the reason of Azure Tree Mountain.
Therefore present they, can only endure, even if others had the shame before the gate, must endure.
Bai Li Xuankong, is the Azure Tree Mountain old Ancestor Level character, has the special method as well as the jurisdiction, therefore after entering Azure Tree Mountain, brought Chu Feng to enter that defense to be stern directly, was listed as in the restricted area ancient times vestige.
However, he does not have to bring Chu Feng to be thorough directly, but uses the special method,
Yin Chengkong, Guan Hong, Dugu Xingfeng three, Azure Tree Mountain now on outwardly, only three Martial Emperor, convening.
„Hanging Sir.” Sees Bai Li Xuankong and Chu Feng, safe and sound return, the Yin Chengkong three people, all are very happy, particularly Dugu Xingfeng.
„These three, you are taking.” Bai Li Xuankong, three green Little Zhong, has given the Yin Chengkong three people separately.
This clock is somewhat special, is the wood makes unexpectedly, although be only the palm of the hand size, may look is actually very ancient, feared that had the innumerable years.
And, is carving four characters in that Little Zhong above, Emperor Aoki the clock, these four character glimmer twinkles, as if rich soul, contains the great power.
„Emperor Aoki clock!!!” Sees this Emperor Aoki the clock, the Dugu Xingfeng three people, the complexion is the vision changes, others do not know that this Emperor Aoki the origin of clock, they may be clear.
This is treasure, is Azure Tree Mountain treasure, may attack to be possible against treasure, is remains by the Azure Tree Mountain founder, although has Martial Emperor to use, since has been several thousand years, this Emperor Aoki the clock had been used completely.
At this moment in their hands these three, likely are Azure Tree Mountain final three Emperor Aoki the clock, therefore, these three Emperor Aoki the clock is very precious.
So precious Emperor Aoki the clock, why can Bai Li Xuankong give them? Is it possible that receives four Great clans to affect, Azure Tree Mountain really in imminent danger, Bai Li Xuankong the clock gives them these three Emperor Aoki, wants them to protect oneself?
„Chu Feng, you.” Bai Li Xuankong looked to Chu Feng.
Afterward, Chu Feng then the process of matter, told the Dugu Xingfeng three people.
After hearing the Chu Feng words, the Dugu Xingfeng three people, are surprised, that dumbfounded appearance, compared with Bai Li Xuankong first hearing time, many that but must be startled.
It is not their bearing capacities is bad, was really this matter extremely has shocked, in history, how many powerhouses took a life blocking by that ancient times?
But now, Chu Feng can actually rush, and saw the buried treasure in legend.
If, these ruined in the ancient times take a life powerhouses, but also lived in the world, knew that Chu Feng took cultivation of Eight Rank Martial King as, in the map by mind, safe and sound after rushing to the ancient times to take a life, it is estimated that they will be irritated directly.
„The fellow who that is called Long Lin, can take a life a survival to be so long in the ancient times, very possible is an evil spirit.”
„The word of evil spirit, cannot all believe that waits for him, if keeps the promise, we do not press him, but he, if fails to keep one's word, I must ask for an explanation.”
„Is only, I have not grasped exceed him, if I have defeated, you then use Emperor Aoki the clock, protects Chu Feng to leave.”
„Remember, even if discards your lives, must protect Chu Feng.” Bai Li Xuankong stern-faced saying.
„Compliant.” But Dugu Xingfeng three people, readily agrees.
Regarding this, Chu Feng is in the heart moves, is very warm.
No matter Bai Li Xuankong they settle on themselves, will consider for the Azure Tree Mountain future, but hope for him unexpectedly, but rejection life, will this be the what kind spirit? What kind spirit? What kind spoiling?
After all they may be the Martial Emperor powerhouses, can practice today's situation, has paid many, only then they are clearest.
At this moment, in the Chu Feng heart, is full move, but he has not said this with emotion, but buried in the moral nature.