2. Employee Procedures
• If the telephone operator or a staff received a threatening call, she shall try to extract as much information from the caller as possible and provide the details listed as per prescribed bomb threat log sheet (attached). A copy of this log sheet is to be placed at the telephone operator room and directly under all departments’ extension telephones for prompt reference when the need arises.
• If it is an external call, the telephone operator shall discreetly alert her colleague to call the police immediately and trace the call. The conversation should be prolonged to provide ample time for a successful trace by the police.
• If is in an internal call, the telephone operator shall notify the security officer to apprehend the culprit concerned.
• Every calls shall be recorded.
• If any other department staff receives the threat, he/she will remain calm and try to establish as much information as possible. He/she shall alert a nearby colleague if available, to notify the telephone operator who will then take the necessary actions.
• If a staff member receives a letter or parcel which is suspected to be a bomb or other incendiary devices, the item shall not be touched.
• After receipt of the threat, the staff member concerned shall immediately notify the Security Department. At no time, should he/she cause any unnecessary alarm or spread the message around.