Step 1 – Plug
Evenly spaced, full-scale, cross-sections of the hulls will be transferred onto plywood.
The cross-sections will be used as a template to shape successive sections of foam using a hot wire tool. Once all the sections are completed, a construction table which
follows the deck of the hulls will be constructed. The shape of the elevated bow will
be replicated by cutting out the curvature profile onto the 1"×5"×12' boards. The two
boards (or rails) will be secured by nails on the underside of the plywood sheet. All
the wooden cross-sections will then be fastened with L-brackets and the foam will be
glued to the plywood sheet. The plug will then be sanded down using a long sanding
block. Once a suitable surface finish is reached the plug will be covered by three
layers of fiberglass and resin, then wet-sanded and polished to ensure a smooth
surface. All these steps will be completed at Dalhousie, and the plug will then be
brought to Composite Atlantic where the mold and hulls will be constructed.