my name is Wichida boonsong . I born at lotus country.but it reraly has lotus. my mother was pregnant belly. It bigger than normal. imnormal for frist pregnant belly. She go to autra soundtrack. She saw only baby. next time my mather gave birth to twins baby. my parents look after us until we must entrant Kindergarten. In report to have the importent document sent to official of scool. He said " So I think that the same person" we sent important document only one.but entrant kindergarten twins. In primary school.we are same class. It normal in the twins are same class.but we do not. In five grad.I do not same class, we had increase grad. What thing unbelievable than more . we had same grad. Until we entrant university.we had same university. But each classes. I’m learn education . yai learn engineering. Misunderstand happening very often. I’m have friend very much because misunderstand. Sometime misunderstand . It make me upset.
Misunderstand sometime it is good thing. Sometime it is bed thing.but it give fried and social with me.