Photovoltaic (PV) panels offer one way of harnessing the energy from the sun. These are made from semiconductor material which directly converts sunlight into electricity through a process called the photoelectric effect. This effect was discovered by Albert Einstein – earning him a Nobel Prize in 1921.
Spain's solar power plants generate 3 gigawatts of power representing 2.8% of Spain's energy needs. Developments in PV technologies mean that the use of PVs in Scotland is becoming more viable and PV panels can now be found on the roofs of many Scottish schools. The island community on Eigg generate a proportion of their energy needs through their large PV array.
Solar thermal
Solar water heaters use the power of the sun to heat water thereby reducing the amount of gas or electricity required to provide heated water.
Solar water heaters often consist of a series of black pipes situated within a glass panel fitted to roofs of buildings. Water is pumped into the bottom of these pipes which are painted black to absorb more heat. The heated water then exits the top of the panel and is stored in insulated water cylinders for use when required.