Finally, it was the day to conquer Todeum.
Mapan was anxiously waiting for the timing.
“No matter what, the quest needs to be successful.”
Since the Merchant would not participate in combat, he was very desperate.
He brought a wagon full of goods from Versailles continent on this quest!
If they fail to conquer Todeum, then the investment would come to naught.
Until now, while hunting, he bought loots to refill his pocket, but that was pale in comparison to the good he traded and planned to sell.
“I can’t believe that last town didn’t take tax.”
On Versailles continent, at every town, he had to pay a toll and taxes on the trades.
Even at Morata, he had to pay income tax and various taxes placed with each of his earning.
Furthermore, larger metropolitan area had addition taxes.
Among them was the village of the Orcs, where the growth of the society was based around taxes.
But the Vampire was a race exempt from taxation.
Mapan trembled with excitement.
“No matter how much of a profit I’ll make, there’s no tax on them.”
Even in Economic class, the most interesting subject to him was the laws of taxation.
For instance, here’s an interview for a company based around knowledge.
Nowadays, many people have several skills.
“A Master in English.”
It is rare to find people without 1~2 foreign languages.
“An excellent computer literate.”
Knowledge in computers at the modest should be around those of a middle schooler.
Have to have corporate internship, volunteering activities, winning awards in competitions, or strength are crucial for the interviewee.
“What do you think is the most crucial?”
When asked by the interviewer on what is the most crucial aspect of an employee that stands above all of this!
“Tax evasion. Need to be an expert on tax evasion!”
“Up until now, I’ve successfully never having to pay my tax once.”
This was indeed the best talent for any company!
Hwaryeong pulled out the red dress to wear.
Along with the exposure of her body, there were luxurious jewels dangling from the gown.
She turned about with her body and nodded.
“With this, it’s not bad.”
Saying ‘it’s not bad’ wasn’t enough. It was a powerful magic to seduce men!
No men could have enough will power to pry their eyes from that.
“Laa. Lalalaa.”
Hwaryeong hummed and danced along to her own tunes.
She was dancing her seductive dance under the moonlight.
The mysterious and alluring spectacle of expressing herself was a good view to behold, for there was a simple reason behind her dancing.
“I’ve enjoyed being with Weed nim in a large-scale battle before. This time as well!”
It was for Weed that she danced in the moonlight.
A slight habit of hers before any large battle.
It was something that can easily wipe out the bad atmosphere.
In the middle of the night, the three moons rose over Todeum, Weed went on one of the small hills.
“Finally, it’s time for the showdown.”
He had on the light absorbing Talroke’s black armor, the Noble Grace black helmet, Vampire’s cape and black boots.
Dark Knight.
The complete knight outfit.
Weed raised one of his legs and placed it on a rock, gripped his fist as he set his elbow on his thigh, and gazed down the hill.
Overlooking the Kingdom of Vampires, Todeum.
The appearance of dozens of old castles connected to one another was a very quaint spectacle.
As dawn approaches, the three moons: Pallun, Gorun, and Seirun were descending below the horizon.
In fact, since the sun did not appear, Todeum’s night and day had no distinction from one another.
At certain times where the three moons reached their peaks, it then plainly resembled that of day.
Since then, the morning began.
The light of Seirun shone on the hill Weed placed himself.
And the wind blew exquisitely.
This was the moment Weed waited for!
In this great scene with such fine atmosphere, while the wind softly flow its path.
‘I gotta quickly take advantage of this moment.’
Weed, in his most elegant way, splendidly took off his helmet.
Weed formed a light smile.
His hair caressed by the wind, while the cape flapped to its will.
With the guaranteed of a tough battle ahead; he mimicked the elegance of a champion: alone in solitude, and enjoyment!
‘Gotta relish this!’
He held this form for a long time while still gazing down the hill. Then suddenly, he drew his sword with his right hand.
The Cold Lott Sword.
Within it contained the spirit of ice, a sword of ice.
With this in hand, his damage output could be very high incorporated along with Weed’s level; the blade shone sharply from the daily grind.
‘This isn’t all.’
On Weed’s left hand was the Ancient Shield.
A shield forged by the best blacksmiths of the Dwarves.
A shield made from mithril and bones of unknown monsters.
The original beautiful patterns carved were unrecognizable due to the effect of time.
The lackluster shield was impossible to repair.