Relative Water Content (RWC) Relative water contents were determined for all genotypes following the procedure of Turner (1981), Salam and Islam (1994) and Islam et al. (1996). The leaves were excised at noon. Prior to, the leaves were covered with aluminum foil to avoid transpiration loss during transportation to laboratory. Fresh weight of leaves were measuredand aftermeasurement, thebase oftheleaves were emerges in thin film of water contained. The inside was then kept in a dark place. The saturation period was 24 h. After full saturation, the leaves were taken out of the jars and saturationweightwastakenagainandaftersaturationweight measurement, the leaves were allowed to oven dry at 100C for 72 h. The relative water content of the leaves were determined using following formula:
Freshleaf weight Dryleaf weight Turgid leaf weight Dry leaf weight
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