Industrial Filaments
Chemically resistant 100% PTFE Fluoro polymer FEP Filaments is used to filter/remove acid and caustic waste from process application. The material is available in 11 Mils
PTFE Fluoropolymer PFA filament can tolerate higher temperature (260 degrees Celcius) than most comparable products. Special filters, cable jacketing and high temperature cleaning brushes are some of the applications. The materials are available in 8,11,16 and 35 mils.
DuPont™ Tynex® Heavy caliper filaments are used for various industrial brushes in view of its aggressiveness and also some of the special applications like Guitar Strings. It is available in range of diameters from 13 Mil to 60 Mil both spools and Hanks
DuPont™ Herox® Heavy caliper filaments are used for various industrial brushes and cleaning brushes. The filaments are available in range of diameters from 13 Mil to 60 Mil both spools and Hanks
Range of Products
DuPont Fluoropolymer FEP Filament
DuPont Fluoropolymer PFA Filament
DuPont™ Tynex® Heavy Caliper Filaments
DuPont™ Herox® Heavy Caliper Filaments