3.5 Purchasing
Statement of Intent The company shall control all its purchasing processes that are critical to product safety, legality and quality to ensure that services procured conform to defined requirements.
3.5.1 Supplier Approval and Performance Monitoring of Service Providers
Statement of Intent The company shall operate documented procedures for approval and monitoring of the suppliers of services which may have a potential impact on the maintenance of product safety, quality or legality. Specifications or contracts shall exist between the company and the supplier defining the service provided.
The performance of the supplier shall be monitored and action taken where services fail to meet requirements..
3.5.2 Management of sub-contractors
Statement of Intent Where activities covered by the scope of this standard are sub-contracted to a 3rd Party, e.g. distribution, the subcontractor shall be required to work in accordance with the relevant requirements of this Standard and relevant legislation. A contract or written agreement shall exist with all sub contractors which shall on the basis of risk and any specified customer contracts, define requirements for the safe handling and storage of products stored or transported e.g. temperature, special handling requirements, segregation of incompatible products, vehicle type. There shall be a documented process for the review and acceptance of a sub-contractor which shall include a review of the sub-contractors ability to meet the specified requirements for the safe storage or distribution of products. This may include certification against this standard. There shall be a documented review of the performance of all subcontractors and necessary follow up action to safeguard the safety of products where performance is not to specification.